domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

N°3 Speech acts

J. Austen develops the idea of "Speech Acts"and he devides utterances into two distinguished and separate parts of speech: constatives and performatives. He easily defines constatives as sentences which describe sth is true or false. However, performatives us defined as sentences which denote in action.However, when we talk about speech acts, we refer to thoses words which demand actions and those which are actions, for example; promising,apologising,ect. In the case of performatives, we need to be aware of felicity conditions, which implies an utterances pronounced by the correct person and in the correct place. To put it into other words, certain verbs need to be said under certain conditions. Felicity conditions can be the rules that an performative can be inactive.
Performatives have some characteristics to lead into action:

*proper autority
* ready to be executed

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