miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

Entry 14 Having our own profolio

Having a porforlio is similar to keep every piece of writing I made. It is important to do this because I can go back and check certain material and expressions. And from there, move forward. I was able to sit on a computer and start writing about many topics. As I am a very destractive person and bad at using computers, I felt obliged to take time and dedicate, with great effort, to write and keep track on my writings. Despite of the fact that I'll have a summary of each chapters, it is easier, for me at lkeatm to re-read all the material befor sitting for the final exam. So, in that case, my profolio will not help me. However, It might help other mates. I always need to read from the original text and make comments or mindmaps.

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